Home Window

The Home window is the first window that you see when you open your company's data. It reflects your security access rights to your company and changes if you decide to turn off features or hide modules.


Each Sage 50 Accounting user can set their Home window to open in one of two views. Although there are some elements that are exactly the same in both views (such as toolbar menus and Quick Search box), each view has a different interface and some modules do not exist in the other view.

ClosedAdvantages of Enhanced view

Toolbar Buttons

The buttons on the toolbar and in some dialogs perform various actions, such as displaying help and advice, searching for records and transactions, printing reports, and changing options.

Restricted Access

If you set up users with passwords in Sage 50 Accounting, you can limit their access to certain modules or areas of the program. The Classic view of the Home window offers the following visual aids to tell users which areas they can access:

Icons with a "no entry" symbol next to them cannot be used.

If an icon has an "X" over a pencil beside it, you can only view information in the window, you cannot change it.


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