QuickBooks Conversion - Data Conversion Details

The QuickBooks-to-Sage 50 Accounting Conversion Wizard imports the following company information. To see a detailed list of the information that gets converted, open the links.

Currencies and Employees

Only basic employee information is converted into Sage 50 Accounting. If you want to import payroll item information and additional employee details, you will need to enter it into the Sage 50 Accounting company after the conversion.

Note: If your QuickBooks company uses more than two currencies, you must be using Sage 50 Premium Accounting or higher to convert your company.

Company Information


Sage 50 Accounting only uses Income Statement accounts for its budget and the only budget you can edit is the budget for your current fiscal year. Any Balance Sheet budgets or budgets that are dated in the future will not be converted for Sage 50 Accounting.

ClosedCredit Cards


Only currencies that have been used with a bank account, customer or vendor will be copied into Sage 50 Accounting.

QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Name Foreign Currency
Country Code Code
Currency Symbol Symbol
Symbol Position Symbol Position
Thousand Separator Thousand Separator
Decimal Separator Decimals Separator
Decimal Places Decimal Places
Sample Format

ClosedPrice Lists (Levels)

Sage 50 Accounting only uses one method for creating price lists from QuickBooks, Fixed %. Per Item prices must be entered into your Sage 50 Accounting company after the conversion.


When you convert your company to Sage 50 Accounting, you can select any or all of the following lists to include during conversion. Lists are called records in Sage 50 Accounting.


QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Accounts Receivable
Other Current Asset
Fixed Asset
Other Asset
Accounts Payable
Other Current Liability
Credit Card
Long Term Liability
Other Income
Other Expense
Cost of Goods Sold
Account Class:
Accounts Receivable
Current Asset
Capital Asset
Other Asset
Accounts Payable
Other Current Liability
Credit Card Payable
Long Term Liability
Other Revenue
Other Expense
Cost of Goods Sold
Name Unlabelled field (next to account number)
Balance Current Balance and Opening Balance
Account is inactive Inactive Account
Note Notes


QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Vendor Name Vendor
Vendor is inactive Inactive Vendor
First Name and Last Name Contact
Line 1 (Company name)
Line 2 (Contact name)
Line 3 (Street)
Line 4 (City, Province, Postal code)
Line 5 (Country)
Fills these fields starting from the bottom:
Street 1
Street 2
City, Province, Postal code
Phone Phone 1
Alt Ph. Phone 2
Fax Fax
E-mail E-mail
Type: Tax agency (Ignored)
Terms Early Payment Terms
Notes Memo
Defined Fields Uses the first 5 Vendor fields you have defined for your company
Currency Currency


QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Customer Name Customer
Customer is inactive Inactive Customer
First Name and Last Name Contact
Bill To Address:
Line 1 (Company name)
Line 2 (Contact name)
Line 3 (Street number)
Line 4 (City, Province, Postal code)
Line 5 (Country)
Fills these fields starting from the bottom:
Street 1
Street 2
City, Province, Postal code
Ship To Address:
Line 1 (Company name)
Line 2 (Contact name)
Line 3 (Street number)
Line 4 (City, Province, Postal code)
Line 5 (Country)
Fills these fields starting from the bottom:
Street 1
Street 2
City, Province, Postal code
Phone Phone 1
Alt Ph. Phone 2
Fax Fax
E-mail E-mail
Rep Salesperson
Terms Early Payment Terms
Credit Limit Credit Limit
Price Level Price List
Notes Memo
Defined Fields Uses the first 5 Customer fields you have defined for your company
Use customer tax code Tax code


Only basic employee information is imported into Sage 50 Accounting. Additional employee details and all payroll information must be entered in your Sage 50 Accounting company.

QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
First Name and Last Name Employee
Line 1 (Employee name)
Line 2 (Contact name)
Line 3 (Street number)
Line 4 (City, Province, Postal code)
Line 5 (Country)
Fills these fields starting from the bottom:
Street 1
Street 2
City, Province, Postal code
Date of Birth Birth Date
Hired Hire Date
Released Terminate
Pay Period Pay Periods Per Year


Not all Item Types can be used in Sage 50 Accounting and so they are not imported from QuickBooks. Check the Types below to see which items can be used in Sage 50 Accounting.

QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Item Name/Number Item
Item is inactive Inactive Item
Description on Sales Transactions Description
Inventory Unit Stocking Unit of Measure
Sales Unit Selling Unit
Purchasing Unit Buying Unit
Cost Not added to record, but used as default purchase price for next invoice
On hand On-Hand Quantity
Avg Cost On-Hand Value (Avg Cost multiplied by On-Hand Quantity)
Sales Price Regular (on Pricing tab)
Price Level Price List
Reorder Point Minimum Level
Asset Account Asset
Income Account Revenue
Account Revenue or Expense, depending on the item
Defined Fields Uses the first 5 Item fields you have defined for your company
Inventory part
Item Assembly (components list)
Other Charge
Non-inventory part
Inventory Item
Inventory Item - Build tab shows a list of items required to build 1 of this item (Sage 50 Premium Accounting only)
Service (or Activity in Sage 50 Premium Accounting)
Service (the item uses an Expense account)
Defined Fields Uses the first 5 Employee fields you have defined for your company


When a Job is imported into Sage 50 Accounting, two records are created for the Job: a Project record and a Customer record. Both records will use the same name format: CustomerName:JobName.

Having a customer record for each project allows you to continue to bill directly to "projects" as you are accustomed to doing in QuickBooks. If you do not want to have multiple customer records for one customer, use the Merge Records tool on the Maintenance menu in the Sage 50 Accounting Home Window to store all of the customer's information in one record.

Information stored in the Project record:

QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Job Name Project
Job is inactive Inactive Project
Start Date Start Date - if there is no Start Date, the Earliest Transaction Date will be used
End Date End Date - if there is no QuickBooks End Date, the QuickBooks Projected End Date will be used (otherwise, it will be blank)
In Progress
Not Awarded
In Progress
In Progress


The following QuickBooks transactions are converted into Sage 50 Accounting:

Note: Transactions dated after your company's Fiscal Year End date are not converted into Sage 50 Accounting.

If you have any General Journal transactions associated with customers in QuickBooks, those transactions will be converted into outstanding customer invoices.

Information stored for outstanding invoices:

QuickBooks Field or Setting Sage 50 Accounting Field or Setting
Number or Reference Number Invoice Number
Date Date
Amount Due Amount

Additional Information