Construction Reports

Sage Simply Accounting has several built-in reports which make it easy to report on your construction company's status: project profitability, customer analysis, and inventory management.

It is important to report on project status several times during the lifecycle of a project to ensure your costs are on track, that all revenues and expenses are allocated correctly, to ensure timely payment of vendor invoices, and to ensure payments from your customers are received on time.

To find out: Choose this report
Customer contact information and current account balance Customer List
Which customer invoices are overdue Customer Aged
Who is your best customer (according to revenue earned) Customer Analysis (Premium)
Total sales revenue earned according to salesperson Sales by Salesperson
Project status Grouped Project List (Premium)
Which revenues or expenses have not been assigned to a project Unallocated Project Amounts
Which projects are most profitable. Project Income
If actual project revenues and expenses are on target with budget Project Budget
Total project hours by employee Employee Hours (Premium)
How well you are managing your cash flow Statement of Cash Flow
What are your anticipated revenues and expenses Cash Flow Projection
Which charges were allocated to a specific project Project Allocation
How much profit you are earning by customer Customer Sales
Overall company profitability Income Statement
Your total owing and when you have to pay it Vendor Aged
How graphs can display your budgeted expenses and revenues


  • If sales are on target
Sales vs. Budget graph
  • If expenses are on target
Expenses vs. Budget graph
How much work is completed for a specific customer or job Time and Billing (Premium)
How much work is completed by an employee or contractor Time and Billing (Premium)
Which items or services are most profitable Product Analysis (Premium)
When you need to reorder inventory items Inventory Quantity