Add, Modify, or Remove a Tax Code

ClosedBefore you can perform these tasks

Select a task:

ClosedTo add a new tax code

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
  2. Open Company, then open Sales Taxes and choose Tax Codes.
  3. In the Code column, enter a one- to two-letter code on a new line and click Search next to the new code.
  4. For each tax you want to add to the new code:
  1. In the Tax column, click Search and select a tax from the list.
  2. In the Status column, click Search and select a status from the list.
  3. In the Rate column, type the tax rate as a percentage.
  4. If a tax is included in the price or is refundable, click the Include in Price or Is Refundable column to turn each setting on.
  5. To close the Tax Code Details window, click OK.
  1. To change the default tax code description that appears in your forms, click the Description column and type a new description.
  2. If you want to limit the use of a tax code to vendors or customers, click Search in the Use In column and select either Purchases or Revenues from the list.
  3. To close the Settings window, click OK.

ClosedTo modify an existing tax code

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
  2. Open Company, then open Sales Taxes and choose Tax Codes.
  3. To change the tax code description that appears in your forms, click the Description column and type a new description.
  4. To change which transactions use this tax code, click Search in the Use In column and select All journals, Purchases, or Revenues from the list.
  5. To close the Settings window, click OK.

ClosedTo remove an existing tax code

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
  2. Open Company, then open Sales Taxes and choose Tax Codes.
  3. In the Code column, click the tax code you want to remove and press the Delete key.
  4. To close the Settings window, click OK.

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