Set Up or Remove a Job Category

ClosedBefore you can perform this task

You can set up and remove job categories at any time:

ClosedTo set up a job category

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, select Settings. Open Payroll and select Job Categories.
  2. On a blank line, type the name of the Job Category and tab to the next column.
  3. (Optional) Clear the check mark if employees in this category do not submit time slips, and then tab to the next column.
  4. (Optional) Clear the check mark if employees in this category are not salespeople, and then tab to the next column.
  5. (Optional) Click the job category's Status to switch between Active and Inactive.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.

Note: You must remove all employees from a category to make it inactive.

ClosedTo remove a job category

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, select Settings. Open Payroll and select Job Categories.
  2. Remove all employees from the category.
  3. Select the name of the job category and press the Delete key.
  4. Click OK.