Convert Purchase Quotes and Orders

ClosedBefore you can perform this task

You can convert purchase quotes and orders in the program into invoices, and purchase quotes into purchase orders.

ClosedTo convert a purchase quote or order into a purchase invoice:

  1. Open the list of purchase quotes or orders. ClosedHow?
    1. In the Home window, click Vendors & Purchases on the navigation pane.
    2. In the Tasks pane, right-click the Purchase Quotes icon and select Find Quote from the menu.
    1. In the Home window, click Vendors & Purchases on the navigation pane.
    2. In the Tasks pane, right-click the Purchase Orders icon and select Find Order from the menu.
  1. Select the transaction you want from the list and click Select.
  2. Click the Convert button and select Convert Purchase Quote or Order to Purchase Invoice.
  3. In the Payment Method box, select a payment option.
  4. In the Invoice box, enter the purchase invoice number.
  5. In the Quantity column, enter the number of goods or services you are buying.
  6. Select either Process or Print & Process.

ClosedTo convert a purchase quote into an order:

  1. Open the list of purchase quotes. ClosedHow?
      1. In the Home window, click Vendors & Purchases on the navigation pane.
      2. In the Tasks pane, right-click the Purchase Quotes icon and select Find Quote from the menu.
  2. Select the quote you want from the list and click Select.
  3. Click the Convert button and select Convert Purchase Quote to Purchase Order.
  4. Make any required changes to the order.
  5. Select either Process or Print & Process.

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