Modify a Year End Review (PIER) Report

To modify the Year End Review (PIER) report:

  1. In the Home window, open the Report Centre. Select Employees & Payroll and then Year End Review (PIER). Click Modify this report.
  2. (Optional) Select the Template you want to use for the report.
  3. Select a year to report on. Available only if you have more than one year of information you can report on.
  4. (Optional) Select a Job Category to filter the employee list by job category. By default, all active job categories are selected.
  5. (Optional) Select Include inactive employees to include them in the selection list.
  6. Select the employees you want to appear in the report. Click Select All to report on the entire list.
  7. (Optional) To hide nominal differences attributable to rounding, or to show only discrepancies greater than a threshold amount designated by the Canada Revenue Agency, select Show only employees with CPP/QPP or EI discrepancies greater than x. The default value of x is $1.00.
  8. (Optional) Customize the:
  9. (Optional) Save the report as a template in My Reports.
  10. Click OK to display the report.

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