Customize the Tabbing Order in a Transaction Window

You can change the order in which fields get filled

To customize the tabbing order in a transaction window:

  1. On the View menu, choose Customize Transaction Window.
  2. Click on the transaction you want to customize. For example, if you want to customize the tabbing order for sales invoices, click Sales Invoices.
  3. Click on Tabbing Order, and then select Custom Tabbing Order.
  4. Change the fields that open when you press the Tab key by:

ClosedAdding a field to the tabbing order

  1. In Fields Not In The Tabbing Order, select the field you want to add to the tabbing order.
  2. Click Add.

ClosedRemoving a field from the tabbing order

  1. In Tabbing Order, select the field you want to remove from the tabbing order.
  2. Click Remove.

ClosedChanging the order in which fields open

  1. In Tabbing Order, select the field you want to move in the tabbing order.
  2. Use the arrows on the right side of the screen to move the field up or down the list.
  1. Click OK.

ClosedTo restore a transaction window's default tabbing order

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