Turn On Foreign Currency Transactions

Step 1: Add exchange gain/loss account for foreign currencies

Step 2: Set up foreign currencies

Step 3: Add foreign currency bank accounts

Step 4: Choose linked accounts for foreign currency transactions

Step 5: Link a currency to a credit card to track customer credit card sales (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)

Step 6: Set method of pricing inventory and service items

Step 7: Add foreign prices to inventory and service items

Step 8: Add foreign vendors

Step 9: Add foreign customers

Before you can perform this task

To set up foreign currencies in your company:

  1. In the Home window, on the Setup menu, choose Settings.
  2. On the left side of the window, click Company and then Currency.
  3. In the Home Currency section, enter the settings for your home currency.
  4. Select the Allow Transactions in a Foreign Currency option.
  5. Select an expense account to Track Exchange and Rounding Differences.
  6. Click OK.

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