Daily Business Manager

The Daily Business Manager (DBM) centralizes some of the most common daily tasks in a single handy location; it can help you complete daily tasks and keep track your company's business performance.

Use the DBM to help you:

If you are not using the DBM regularly, you can turn it off and open it only when you need it. You can also turn it back on so that it displays when you open your company.

Keeping Your Business on Track

The DBM is divided into two viewing windows:

Select Notes & To Do List to view:

When you select a date in the Business Calendar, you can view notes entered for a specific date (summer sale starts June 30) , look up memos about customers or vendors (Capitol Seafoods 10 yr anniversary), scheduled payments due (rent), recurring transactions (sales order for 'weed and seed' service). Dates that are bold in the calendar have notes, memos or due dates attached to them.

You can change the date on which you process a transaction in the DBM (right-click on the date) without changing your current session date.

Use the Notes box to save reminders for yourself, record appointments, or add notes about upcoming events("Hire event security by June 12").To see or add notes for a specific date, just click on the date in the calendar and read or enter notes.

Memos Tab. Memos displayed in the DBM are recorded and stored in customer and vendor records. The memos you see are specific to the date selected on the DBM calendar. You can control if and when memos appear in the DBM from within customer or vendor records.

Recurring. Entering the same transaction every month, such as a rent payment or a repeat sales order, can be cumbersome. Sage 50 Accounting allows you to store recurring transactions so that you can recall and process them (with adjustments if required) when you need.

Payments Due Tab. Payments Due shows you all of the vendor bills due for date selected in the DBM calendar. You can pay bills (including print cheques) directly from the DBM. You can even pay multiple bills due on the same date with just a few clicks.

Purchase Orders/Sales Orders. Select a purchase order or sales order from the list and quickly convert it to a purchase invoice or sales invoice.

Sales Due Tab. Sales Due shows you all of the customer invoices due for date selected in the DBM calendar. You can apply customer payments to invoices directly from the DBM. Customer payments must be processed one-at-a-time.

Select Business Performance to view:

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