Save 499R-2/W-2PR Forms on Diskette

If you are required to submit employee 499R-2/W2-PR information on magnetic media to the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury, you can create this information onto diskettes for submission. Create and submit the diskettes to the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury at the end of the calendar year or by the deadline specified by the government.

To create 499R-2/W-2PR forms on diskette:
  1. In the Home window, on the File menu, choose Import/Export, Electronic Filing, and then Export 499R-2/W-2PR Report.
  2. If you have more than one year of data, select the year for which forms will be created.
  3. To include inactive employees in the employee list, select the Include Inactive Employees box.
  4. Fill in the information on screen, using the magnetic media reporting specifications issued by the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury as a guide.
  5. Field Description
    PIN If you are going to submit a copy of this file to the Social Security Administration (SSA), you need to obtain an eight-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) from the SSA. More information is available online at
    Contact Name, Email, Phone, and Fax Enter contact information for the person that the Department of the Treasury can contact regarding this file.
    Starting Serial # Enter the first control number assigned by the Department of the Treasury for Form 499R-2/W-2PR.
    Access Code Enter the Access Code assigned to the employer by the Department of the Treasury.
    Prepare Code

    Select one of the following codes to indicate who prepared this file:

    A = Accounting Firm

    L = Self-Prepared

    S = Service Bureau

    P = Parent Company

    O = Other

    If more than one code applies, use the one that best describes who prepared this file.

    Employment Code

    Select the appropriate code:

    A = Agriculture

    H = Household

    M = Military

    X = Railroad

    Q = Medicare Qualified Government Employment

    R = Regular (All Others)

    Resubmission and Wage File ID If you are resubmitting the file, select the Resubmission check box and enter the Wage File Identifier displayed on the notice sent to you by the Department of the Treasury. For an original submission, leave both fields blank.
  6. Click OK
  7. If you want to save the information directly to a diskette, insert the diskette into your disk drive.
  8. Enter information about the file to be created (such as its location), and click Save. The file will then be created to the location you specified.
  9. Complete a magnetic media transmittal form. A copy of the form is included in the magnetic media reporting specifications issued by the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury.
  10. Submit the file and the magnetic media transmittal form to the Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury.