Assemble an Item

To assemble an item if your inventory costing method is:

Average Cost

  1. Open the Item Assembly window. How?
      1. In the Home window, click Inventory & Services on the navigation pane.
      2. In the Tasks pane, click the Build from Item Assembly icon.
  2. In the Source box, enter the source document number, such as an invoice or memo number. Enter a date.
  3. (Optional) Type a comment explaining the item's assembly.
  4. Click List in the Item box of the Assembly Components section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item(s) to be used to build the assembly item, and enter the remaining information.
  5. Note: The Unit Cost of an item can be changed in the Assembly Components section.

  6. (Optional) In the Additional Cost box, enter additional assembly expenses, such a labour or other costs.
  7. Note: The Additional Costs box is editable only if you have linked an expense account for item assembly.

  8. Click List in the Item box of the Assembled Items section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item you are building. Enter the remaining information.
  9. Note: The Total of the Assembly Components (Amount plus Additional Costs), must equal the Total of the Assembled Items.

  10. Click Process.

FIFO (Premium)

  1. Open the Item Assembly window. How?
      1. In the Home window, click Inventory & Services on the navigation pane.
      2. In the Tasks pane, click the Build from Item Assembly icon.
  2. In the Source box, enter the source document number, such as an invoice or memo number. Enter a date.
  3. (Optional) Choose the location at which the item will be assembled.
  4. (Optional) Type a comment explaining the item's assembly.
  5. Click List in the Item box of the Assembly Components section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item(s) to be used to build the assembly item, and enter the remaining information.
  6. Note: The Unit Cost of an item cannot be changed in the Assembly Components section.

  7. (Optional) In the Additional Cost box, enter additional assembly expenses, such a labour or other costs.
  8. Note: The Additional Costs box is editable only if you have linked an expense account for item assembly.

  9. Click List in the Item box of the Assembled Items section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item you are building. Enter the remaining information.
  10. Note: The Total of the Assembly Components (Amount plus Additional Costs), must equal the Total of the Assembled Items.

  11. Click Process.

Specific Cost for Serialized Items (Enterprise)

  1. Open the Item Assembly window. How?
      1. In the Home window, click Inventory & Services on the navigation pane.
      2. In the Tasks pane, click the Build from Item Assembly icon.
  2. In the Source box, enter the source document number, such as an invoice or memo number. Enter a date.
  3. (Optional) Choose the location at which the item will be assembled.
  4. (Optional) Type a comment explaining the item's assembly.
  5. Click List in the Item box of the Assembly Components section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item(s) to be used to build the assembly item, and enter the remaining information.
  6. Note: The Unit Cost of an item cannot be changed in the Assembly Components section.

  7. (Optional) In the Additional Cost box, enter additional assembly expenses, such a labour or other costs.
  8. Note: The Additional Costs box is editable only if you have linked an expense account for item assembly.

  9. (Optional) If any of the assembly component items use serial numbers, click to enter or select their serial numbers.
  10. Click List in the Item box of the Assembled Items section to display a list of inventory items. Select the inventory item you are building. Enter the remaining information.
  11. Note: The Total of the Assembly Components (Amount plus Additional Costs), must equal the Total of the Assembled Items.

  12. (Optional) If any of the assembled items require serial numbers, click to enter their serial numbers.
  13. Click Process.