Set Up Your Sage Simply Accounting Program to do Pre-Authorized Debits

To set up your Sage Simply Accounting program to do pre-authorized debits:


Task list:

How to:

1. Register with a Sage Simply Accounting approved pre-authorized debit service provider.

For more information about the pre-authorized debit service provider, in the Home window on the Services menu, choose Customer Pre-Authorized Debit.

2. After your customer authorizes you to collect and process debit payments, enter the pre-authorized debit information in your customer records.

In each customer record, enter their pre-authorized debit bank account information on the Pre-Authorized Debits tab.

3. (Optional) You might want to create a separate account to track the pre-authorized debits made to your debit service provider. It makes it easier to reconcile these payments later.

Create an account.