Available in Enhanced View


Add, Modify, or Remove Shortcuts in the Home Window

Note: The maximum number of shortcuts is 10.

Add a shortcut link

  1. In the Home window, on the navigation pane, click Customize next to Shortcuts.
  2. In the Available Links column, select the link you want to add and click Add.
  3. Click OK.

Move a shortcut link up or down the list

  1. In the Home window, on the navigation pane, click Customize next to Shortcuts.
  2. In the Shortcuts column, select the shortcut you want to move and click Move Up or Move Down.
  3. Click OK.

Insert a blank line below a shortcut link

  1. In the Home window, on the navigation pane, click Customize next to Shortcuts.
  2. In the Shortcuts column, select the shortcut below which you want to add the blank line and click Add Separator.
  3. Click OK.

Remove a shortcut link

  1. In the Home window, on the navigation pane, click Customize next to Shortcuts.
  2. In the Shortcuts column, select the link you want to remove and click Remove.
  3. Click OK.

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