Open the Simply Form Designer

To open the Form Designer from the Reports and Forms Options window:

For invoices

  1. In the Home window on the Setup menu, choose Reports and Forms.
  2. Click the form you want to customize from the left side of the window.
  3. Select a form style from the Show form setting for list.
  4. In the Printer Form Settings area, select a user-defined Custom Simply Form:
  1. In the Form Type box, select Custom Simply Form.
  2. In the Description box, select the User-defined option.
  3. Click Customize Form to open the Select Simply Form window.
  1. In the Select Simply Form window, select one of the following options:
  1. Click OK to open the Simply Form Designer.

For all other transactions, except cheques

  1. In the Home window on the Setup menu, choose Reports and Forms.
  2. Click the form you want to customize from the left side of the window.
  3. In the Printer Form Settings area, select a user-defined Custom Simply Form:
  1. In the Form Type box, select Custom Simply Form.
  2. In the Description box, select the User-defined option.
  3. Click Customize Form to open the Select Simply Form window.
  1. In the Select Simply Form window, select one of the following options:
  1. Click OK to open the Simply Form Designer.

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