Payroll Taxes

The default rates for the payroll tax that you, the employer, pay, are found by opening the Setup menu in the Home window, selecting Settings, Payroll and then Taxes. The rates that you enter here will be used for any new employees you add. You can change the rate of some taxes for specific employees in the employee records.

EI Factor. The multiple of the employee's Employment Insurance premium that you must pay. If you subscribe to a payroll plan, the EI rate is included in payroll calculations. Otherwise, you need to get this rate from the CRA and manually calculate employee and employer amounts. Depending on how your company is set up, this factor can be lower for some employees. You can set individual factors in employee records. There are also some circumstances in which you do not need to calculate EI for an employee (for example, if the employee is related to the company owner).

WCB Rate. The name of the Workers' Compensation Board rate varies from province to province. This tax covers employer contributions to provincial work-related employee disability programs. Check with your provincial authority to determine the default rate you should be using. Depending on the nature of the an employee's work, this rate can change. You can set individual rates in employee records.

EHT Factor (Ontario only). The multiple of the Employee Health Tax premium that you must pay.

QHSF Factor (Québec only). The multiple of Québec Health Services Fund premium that you must pay.

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